The election to the 21st German Bundestag will take place on Sunday, February 23, 2025.
In order to avoid postal delivery times, it is recommended to collect postal voting documents directly from the electoral office or to vote there.
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, the electoral office also offered the opportunity to vote by post at the town hall. Many citizens use this additional time to cast their postal vote at the town hall.
The electoral office will therefore also be open on the coming
Sunday, February 16, 2025 from 10:00 to 14:00.
You are welcome to use this opportunity not only to apply for a postal vote, but also to vote directly at
Opening hours of the electoral office
The electoral office is located in the town hall of Hilden on the 1st floor in rooms 105 and 107. It is signposted.
The electoral office opens on Saturday, February 8th.Opening hours of the electoral office
Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00
deviating: Friday, 21.02.2025 08:00 - 15:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
no longer on Saturday, 22.02.2025
Sunday, February 9 and Sunday, February 16: 10:00 - 14:00Special opening hours
Saturday, February 22, 2025 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
For the issuance of replacement polling cards not received (Section 28 (10) of the Federal Electoral Regulations), for the issuance of polling cards in cases of Section 25 (2) of the Federal Electoral Regulations and in the event of sudden, proven illness.Sunday, February 23, 2025 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For the issuing of polling cards in cases of Section 25 (2) of the Federal Electoral Regulations and in the event of sudden, proven illnessEligibility to vote
In Hilden, all Germans who are eligible to vote on election day are
- have reached the age of 18,
- have lived in the Federal Republic of Germany since at least November 23, 2024,
- have their main residence in Hilden and
- are not excluded from the right to vote as a result of a judge's decision.
Special regulations apply to:
- Germans who move their main residence to Hilden within Germany
- Germans living abroad,
- Germans returning from abroad and
- Persons without permanent residence.
You can find an explanation of the voting rights of these three groups under the tile "Voting rights - special regulations".
Eligibility to vote - Special regulations
Special regulations apply to the following groups of people:
Germans who move their main place of residence to Hilden within Germany
Germans who register their main place of residence in Hilden between January 12, 2025 and February 2, 2025 will be entered in the voters' register of the city of Hilden upon application.
You will receive the application for entry in the voters' register when you register at the citizens' office.
This application must be received by the electoral office by February 2, 2025 at the latest.
If you register online within the specified period, please use the corresponding online form.
If you wish to remain on the electoral roll of your municipality of departure, you do not need to do anything.Germans living abroad
Germans living abroad are not automatically entered in the voters' register. If Germans living abroad wish to participate in the Bundestag elections, they must submit a formal application to be entered in the voters' register.Information on the right to vote and application forms for Germans living abroad can be found on the information pages of the Federal Returning Officer.
Please send formal applications for entry in the voters' register with the application for postal voting documents for Germans living abroad who were last registered in Hilden before moving abroad to the electoral office of the City of Hilden by February 2 (receipt of application) at the latest.
It should be noted that the legislator makes a distinction between two constellations when submitting an application and that different application forms must be used for this.
Persons who have lived or otherwise habitually resided in the Federal Republic of Germany for at least 3 months without interruption after reaching the age of 14 and whose residence does not go back more than 25 years should use the form
"früherer Wohnung / früherer gewöhnlicher Aufenthalt".
Once you have completed and signed the form, it is sufficient to send it by e-mail to the electoral office of the City of Hilden.All other persons should use the form
"Vertrautheit mit den politischen Verhältnissen".
The justification required in these cases must be provided on a separate sheet. If it is necessary to submit additional documents, these must also be attached to the application.Once you have completed and signed the form, the original must be submitted to the Hilden Electoral Office, as you are making an affidavit.
Germans returning from abroad
If Germans return from abroad and register in Hilden in the period from January 13 to February 2, they must submit a formal application for entry in the voters' register in order to participate in the Bundestag election.Please send formal applications for entry in the electoral roll to the electoral office of the City of Hilden by February 2 (receipt of application) at the latest.
The application must be personally signed by hand and sent in the original to the electoral office of the City of Hilden. Submission by e-mail or fax is not sufficient.
Persons without a fixed abode
Persons entitled to vote who are not registered for a residence in the Federal Republic of Germany but who usually reside in the electoral area can apply to be entered in the Hilden electoral roll between January 13 and February 2. The application for registration must be submitted to the electoral office in writing or in person during opening hours. The application must contain the surname, first names, date of birth and the exact address of the person entitled to vote (for example, the address of the accommodation where the person usually stays) and must be signed personally and by hand. Corresponding forms will be available at the electoral office in due course.Election notification
The election notifications will be sent automatically to all eligible voters in the period from January 13 to February 1 at the latest if they are eligible to vote and are registered in the Hilden electoral roll.
In the election notification you will find, among other things, the address of your polling station where you can cast your vote on election Sunday. You can only cast your vote at your own polling station on election Sunday!
Anyone who is entitled to vote and has not received an election notification by February 1 is requested to contact the electoral office by telephone on 02103 72-1234.
Postal vote
Anyone who is unable to go to their polling station in person on February 23, 2025 will have the opportunity to cast their vote by post, probably from February 8, 2025.
The approval process for nominations ends on January 30, 2025, and the printing of ballot papers will begin immediately afterwards. According to the information available so far, it can be assumed that the ballot papers will arrive at the electoral office during the course of the day on Friday, February 7, 2025. Only then can the electoral office process the applications for postal voting and send out the documents.
In order to avoid postal delivery times, it is recommended to collect postal voting documents directly from the electoral office or to vote there.
Every person entitled to vote who is entered in the electoral roll will receive a polling card with postal voting documents upon request.
If you would like to apply for a polling card with postal voting documents, you can use the online form until February 14, 2025. You do not need a polling card for this.
Of course, you can also send us your application in any other written form.- completed back of the election notification,
- E-mail (,
- Fax or
- Letter
It is not possible to apply by telephone.
The application must contain the full first name and surname, the street and house number, the zip code of the main residence in Hilden and the date of birth. An alternative shipping address can also be specified.
Anyone submitting the application on behalf of another person must prove that they are authorized to do so by submitting a written power of attorney.
Please note that the electoral office has no control over postal delivery times of several days, especially given the short time it takes to process and send the election documents.
It is possible to have a new polling card issued if it is highly unlikely that the original polling card will be delivered or if you have lost it.
If a polling card you applied for is not delivered to the place of delivery you specified, a new polling card can be issued to you by Saturday, February 22, 12 noon at the latest.
In this case, please contact the electoral office of the city of Hilden in good time. If a polling card has already been issued for you, you can only vote with this polling card. On election Sunday, you are no longer entitled to vote at the polling station without this polling card.
A voter's notification is not a polling card.
Please send the red ballot letter containing your vote in good time to the address stated on the envelope. The ballot letter must be received there by 6 p.m. on election Sunday.
To ensure that your election letter reaches the Hilden electoral office on time, it is recommended that you use the in-house letterbox at Hilden town hall in the last few days before election Sunday and also on election Sunday by 6 pm.
Sudden illness and other exceptions
In cases of sudden illness and in exceptional cases regarding persons not entered in the electoral roll (e.g. naturalization, determination of the right to vote in objection proceedings), polling cards can still be applied for until 3 p.m. on 23 February. Proof of the right to a polling card must be provided in these cases!
In cases of sudden illness, a medical certificate and, if necessary, an authorization to apply for and collect postal voting documents for the person entitled to vote are therefore required.
The exercise of the right to vote by proxy is not permitted.