Photovoltaic system at the 3M plant

Business networks

Business networks

Network - know each other - can do more

Whether manager, entrepreneur, employee or freelancer - the topic of networking plays an important role for everyone. Building up one's own network relationships is an essential success factor and more than just a nice pastime. In Hilden, this was already recognized in the 1950s:

The oldest network in the Itterstadt, the Hildener Industrie-Verein e. V., was founded back in 1955. Even then, the members were committed to mutual support and active business promotion. Today, more than 100 Hilden companies are active in the Hildener Industrie-Verein.

In addition to the Hilden Industry Association, a wide variety of networks are active in Hilden:
For example, the city marketing department invites people to exchange experiences and maintain contacts, especially with a view to revitalizing the city center and the retail and gastronomy businesses located there.

The CDU's SME and business association (MIT) and the Business Club of VfB 03 Hilden e.V., which has around 70 members, are also ideal for networking. 

The Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW e.V.), the largest, politically independent and cross-sectoral association of German small and medium-sized businesses, is dedicated to networking the regional economy.

Regular meetings, lectures and discussion groups ensure a lively exchange of information, knowledge and contacts.

More about the networks:

All networks within the district of Mettmann, also of certain industries, can be found in the network brochure "Invest in ME" (pdf)