Mother with child learning on the floor

Child & Youth Protection

What does child and youth protection actually mean?

First of all, it is important to know that there are different forms of youth protection, which also require very different ways of working.

  • 1. the educational protection of minors

    The aim of educational youth protection is to promote and strengthen the personality and self-confidence of children and young people. Young people should be able to recognize and cope with the dangers and risks of adolescence on their own. However, the educational youth protection does not work with prohibitions and the "raised forefinger", but it wants to get in contact with the children and young people of the city of Hilden and work with them on different topics. These topics include:

    • Violence
    • Addiction and drugs
    • Racism
    • Sexuality
    • Dealing with media
    • Cults and occultism

    Projects are always being carried out on these topics, such as anti-violence and coolness training, dispute mediation training, campaigns against alcohol and tobacco addiction, and not forgetting "Strong Times".

    Educational youth protection also addresses parents and guardians to provide them with support and advice.

  • 2. the legal protection of minors

    The legal protection of minors aims to control the provisions of the law on the protection of minors in public. This includes regulations on visits to the cinema and discos just as much as the issues of alcohol and tobacco consumption in public. This is not primarily the responsibility of the Youth Welfare Office, but also of the Public Order Office and the police. To list all the paragraphs individually here would be too extensive, so there is a brochure and information at the address below.

  • 3. youth labor protection

    The opportunities for children and young people to work commercially are subject to strict regulations. Who is allowed to work, at what age, and how much is determined by the Youth Employment Protection Act. The state offices for occupational safety are responsible for monitoring this law. The local youth welfare office has an introductory brochure on this topic, initial information and contact addresses.

  • The network idea

    Since it is well known that one person can do less than a community, the idea of networking all persons and institutions involved in youth protection is obvious. This circle includes schools, youth and public order offices, police, sports clubs, youth parliament, playground supervisors, and so on... The task of bringing all these people together and finding good solutions for youth protection is the responsibility of the youth protection coordinator of the city of Hilden. If you can or want to give information, tips or hints to the above mentioned topics, the youth protection coordinator is the right contact person.