Photovoltaic system at the 3M plant

Data and facts

  • City area

    • 58,100 people live in Hilden (as of January 2023)
    • Area in km²: 26.0

    Available industrial and commercial space in m²:

    • total: 70,300
      • thereof short-term: 45,000
      • thereof medium-term: 25,300
      • largest contiguous area : 11.200
  • Corporate taxes

    Financial planning security through constant assessment rates:

    • Trade tax revenue 2021: approx. € 68.4 million
    • Trade tax assessment rate: 400%.
    • Property tax B: 480 v. H.
    • Property tax A: 240 v. H.

    Hilden's economic performance is expressed in its trade tax revenue: With 68.4 million euros in trade tax revenue in 2021, the city's economy is impressive. Last but not least, the good mix of industries ensures a balanced budget, which in turn guarantees a constant trade tax collection rate. The trade tax rate has been constant since 2005 and offers planning security. Hilden can also stand up to comparison: Among the 76 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia with more than 58,100 inhabitants, the city on the River Itter levies the third-lowest trade tax rate.

  • Supply and disposal

    Development density lowers utility prices

    Population density: 2,235 inhabitants per km²

    Hilden is densely and very compactly built: The pipeline networks for electricity, water and gas are more efficiently developed than in cities of comparable size. They require less maintenance, expansion capacity and operating costs. The utilities are thus able to supply commercial and industrial operations more cost-efficiently.

    Small prices for waste and sewage

    Public user charges for waste water and refuse are at the lower limit in the entire district of Mettmann and are significantly cheaper than in the surrounding cities. This also makes Hilden an attractive place to work and live!
    Fee comparison 2024

  • Labor market

    Despite proximity to Düsseldorf: people come to Hilden to work

    • Employees subject to social security contributions: 23,439
    • Unemployment rate (October 2022): 6.1 %.

    At the end of 2020, 23,439 people subject to social insurance contributions were employed by companies in Hilden. In addition to trade, industry also provided a particularly high level of employment with its production in Hilden.