Psychological counseling center
Advice and help for families in Hilden and Haan
Living together as a family and raising children doesn't always go easily. Sometimes questions arise for which you don't have answers right away.
In order to support families and professionals in the important task of enabling children to grow up well, the Psychological Counseling Center offers a wide range of counseling services quickly and unbureaucratically.
It is very important to know: Counseling is free of charge and confidential.
Registration for counseling is possible in person or by telephone.
The waiting time until the first interview is usually two to three weeks.
The counseling center is located on the 5th floor of the town hall. Since access from the 4th to the 5th floor is not barrier-free, you can have us call for help at the information desk on the first floor if necessary. However, we can also conduct the conversation on a barrier-free floor in the town hall if you give us the appropriate notice.
If you have any questions about educational assistance and child protection, or if you are in an educational crisis, you can also contact the district social services department in Haan.