Climate protection

Climate protection

Climate change can no longer be ignored in Hilden - heavy rain, drought and heat are just some of the consequences. For this reason, the city of Hilden has declared a climate emergency on 30.10.2020.

As a long-standing member of the Climate Alliance, the city of Hilden is committed to taking measures to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality. An inter-agency project group takes care of the climate protection & adaptation measures and makes concrete proposals to the politicians.

The Agency for Renewable Energies has also taken notice of the commitment and selected the city of Hilden as Energy Municipality of the Month November 2021.

  • Neighborhood consulting

  • Innovation Promotion

  • Consulting services

    Actively doing something for climate protection - there are numerous offers for private individuals to support them in this. On the following pages, you will find an overview of selected consulting services and information.

  • CO2 Calculator

  • Warming Stripes

    Source: German Weather Service, processed by LANUV NRW.

    The so-called Warming Stripes, developed by climate scientist Ed Hawkins, represent a simple but concise symbolization to visualize climate change. For a given location or region, the average annual temperature is plotted chronologically since measurements began and displayed as color-coded stripes. The coldest year appears dark blue, the warmest dark red. It is easy to see that in recent decades the red stripes have increased. Currently, the years 1881-2021 are shown. The coldest year in Hilden was 1888 with 8.27 °C, the warmest was 2020 with 12.14 °C.

  • Climate protection & adaptation measures

  • Solar & Green Roof Cadastre

    In the NRW solar register you can plan a photovoltaic system on a roof or open space or a solar thermal system on a roof surface. Solar calculators are available for all three variants, which provide you with initial planning information for the configuration of the system.

    The combination of photovoltaic system and green roof can also be checked via the NRW green roof register.

    The State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) presented its new green roof cadastre in 2021 so that more roofs can be opened up for climate adaptation measures throughout the state.

    In addition to roof pitch, exposure and shading were used as assessment criteria. However, no structural information is available on the roofs, so each potentially suitable roof subarea must be examined individually.

    In addition, other parameters such as weight, retention potential during heavy rainfall, potential annual rainfall retention, average evaporative cooling capacity per year, annual stormwater fee savings potential, CO2 sequestration potential, and particulate matter sequestration are presented.

    Note: Currently, a grant from BAFA can be claimed for the construction of green roofs!

    Further information and online seminars on green roofs are offered by the NRW consumer advice center via its"More green on the house" project.