City Library



Our dedicated team is constantly working to make Hilden City Library a place that promotes the joy of reading, learning and creativity. Here you can find information about our current projects.

  • Renovation of the children's library

    Thanks to funding from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the children's library at Hilden City Library has been able to further increase its attractiveness for families and as a place to meet and learn. New furniture was purchased to modernize the areas for picture books and comics. In addition, new media were introduced, including the popular Kekz headphones with accompanying chips and the Edurino figures with matching pens. A particular highlight is the newly installed interactive floor, which allows children to play virtual games and develop their creative skills.

    The theme of the third place, i.e. a place to stay and a meeting place for everyone, has recently become one of the most forward-looking trends in the library world. In recent years, the city library has continued to adapt to new trends and new customer needs.Lifelong learning is one of the topics that libraries will have to address in the medium and long term.

    Library management Marina Rabe and Jonas Heinzmann

    Picture gallery